We’re proud to announce the eGauge+Bodhi Solar bundle, providing best in class energy monitoring and customer engagement.
For less than the retail price of the eGauge Core model alone, you can enhance your customer’s experience of going solar. Provide your customers a seamless transition from project tracking to enhanced solar production and home energy monitoring at 35% off the retail price when ordered through Bodhi.

The eGauge+Bodhi Solar bundle combines eGauge’s easy to install, highly accurate and reliable Core Residential energy meter with Bodhi’s project tracking and beautiful data visualizations and actionable performance alerts. Bodhi users with home energy consumption monitoring are 32% more engaged than those with only solar production monitoring, increasing referral rates and opportunities for upsells and cross-sells.

Contact us to learn how you can get your company up and running with the new eGauge+Bodhi Solar bundle.